This is my 5th - and final! - book for the LOST Books Challenge ... woohoo! To read my complete review and see what I actually thought of this book, please visit me at this link.
- Heather J.
*** About the Book ***

In this short story, the main character is a fugitive from Venezuela who has somehow escaped to a tropical island. The island has several buildings on it but no people. After a long time alone on the island, the fugitive suddenly sees people in the buildings! He is terrified that he’ll be captured so he runs off to the forest and hides. From there he observes these new people and he falls in love with a beautiful woman named Faustine. When he finally gets up the nerve to approach her, she doesn’t even acknowledge his existence. Things become steadily more mysterious and the fugitive becomes more and more confused. Finally he decides to sneak in to the building to see if he can figure out what it going on. What he finds out is strange, unexpected, and life-changing …
*** Connection to LOST ***
For the fugitive, life on this island is not what it appears to be. The same could be said of the LOST island, that’s for sure. In the story Morel has created his own version of the world just the way he wants it to me (or, at least, mostly the way he wants it to be). Again, the same could be said of LOST; Ben ran Othertown the way he wanted it to go, at least for a while. And neither Morel nor Ben – nor many other characters on LOST – are averse to manipulating people to get what they want with little regard for the feelings of those people.
That’s MY opinion … let’s see what
Lostpedia has to say:
[In the episode Eggtown] Sawyer is seen reading this book at the barracks.
Seriously?! That’s all you’ve got?! Even I did better than that …
NOTE: My challenge co-host Amy also read this book and you can check out her (much more thorough) review here.
LOL Great review :)