Review snippet: "Murder, intrigue, and propriety mingle and sizzle in the summer heat at the Jolly Roger Hotel on Smuggler's Island Leathercombe Bay. Thank goodness detective Hercule Poirot just happened to be vacationing there when a dead body turns up. Now that I have read my first Agatha Christie, I see why she is so loved. The story is ripe with colorful characters, plots twists, and mystery. I had my theories. I even kept a diagram of the characters and possible motives. But the mystery alluded me up to the very end."
My LOST connections:
-Arlena Stuart captures the hearts of many men just like Kate.
-Arlena and Nikki Fernandez are strikingly similar. But (because I refuse to spoil the book) all I will say is that they are both actresses with poor taste in men.
Review copyright © of Tales of Whimsy.com
To read my review in full please visit Evil Under the Sun review.
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